Volapük Vifik: Lärnod Folid"Bits and bobs"An introduction to the various bits and pieces of Volapük is now opportune. Several of these you have met already, but now you havethe chance to have an overall look at the various categories into which they fall, thus giving added colour and variety to the language: Interjections (bringing all sorts of emotions out into the open), such as: Ooh! Nonsense! Aha! Hey! Wow! Oh no! Oh yes! I say! Hurrah! Look! Bye! Ag! Fi! Ha! He! Ö! Nö! Si! Sö! Yö! Ekö! Adyö! What's more, any other suitable words can also be made into interjections simply by adding the final vowel -ö. For example: Thanks! Of course! Dear me! Look out! Shut up! Get a move on! Halt! Make way! Danö! Fumö! Liedö! Prüdö! Seilö! Spidö! Stopö! Zedö! Conjunctions (joining up different words and sentences), such as: but, because, though, while, and, if, than, so, neither...nor, or, even if, moreover Ab, Bi, Do, Du, E, If, Ka, Klu, Ni ... Ni, U, Üf, Zu Again, any other suitable words can also be made into conjunctions simply by adding the final vowel -ä, for example: provided that, before, on the other hand, by reason of which, only when, Bisä Büä Güauml; Kodä Pasä Prepositions (bridging the gap between a word and its neighbour noun or pronoun): through, of/from, under, by, in front of, into, according to, by means of, without, with Da, De, Dis, Fa, Fo, Ini, Ma, Me, Nen, Ko Yet again, any other suitable words can also be made prepositions by the simple addition of -ü, for example: with regard to, at the house of, in favour of, in the name of, near to, made of, comprising Demü, Domü, Gönü, Nemü, Nilü, Binü, Labü Always remember that in Volapük all prepositions govern the Nominative case! Last of all, although adverbs are normally characterized by the ending -o, they do also have their very own rogues amongst the bits and bobs,for example: always, perhaps, also, here, extremely, more, only, almost, there, already, however Ai, Ba, I, Is, Mu, Plu, Te, Ti, Us, Ya, Ye all of them playing their own part in the whole -- in other words all bits and bobs! Welcome to the fourth part of our rapid, interactive course in Volapük vifik in which we start, as usual, with some more words for you to practiseout aloud:
1. Read aloud, then translate the following story into English: Dom obsik topon len flumed nilü zifil dustodik. Do dabinons legads e
bumots nulädiks, tö horit mens ai elogons cimis gianagretik miotik, kels
edemons kleiliko plöpi zifila. Is mutoy zilo vobön ad plöpön! In dom obsik labobs cemis sököl: lavöp, kvisinöp, fidacem, sälun asä
tvalet e klünacem pro lotans e visitans votik. Slipacems fol binons in tead löpik, asä banacem e tvalet nog bal pro
famülans. In nufalucem, fat obik ed ob it kanobs tuvön seili saidik ad studön e
vobön nen rop mödik. Dese fenät smalik us, logoy fo dom luniki gadi vidik labü flors, bims e
härbats; po dom logoy yadi, asä garadi binü bakastons, in kel binon i voböp. Disnufaspadäd retik jonidon as kipedöp pro dins votik valasotik. 2. The verb ending -oy means "one" as in: logoy = one sees. It is always singular. Can you make five other such examples? 3. The tiny particle -li? shows that a question has been asked. It is always unemphasized. It is tacked onto the end of a verb where this exists; if there isn't one, it is tacked onto the most relevant of the other words. A very useful way of avoiding ambiguity! Note two useful expressions: no-li? = isn't it? and vo-li? = is that so? How would you translate: Tö horit-li? Esagof-li? 4. Answer the following questions on the above in Volapük: Kiöpo (= Where) topon-li dom hiela Samül? Kisi (=What) logoy-li tö horit? Cemis liomödotik (= how many) laboy-li in dom? Kisi logoy-li dese fenät smalik nufalucema? E disnufaspadäd retik-li? 5. Now answer the following questions about your own residence in Volapük: Kiöpo topon-li dom olik? Cems liomödotik dabinons-li domü ol? Labol-li nufalucemi? Kisi kipol-li (= keep) in spadäd dis nuf? Kisi logoy-li fo dom olik? Labol-li garadi e voböpi u studacemi? Dese fenät gretik olik, kisi logoy-li po dom? |