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Volapük Vifik: Lärnod Zülid

"In transit -- plus the whence and the whither"

When we hear that goods are in transit, we know that they are "on the way" and PASSING OVER to our part of the country. With this knowledge,we become more and more excited. In this transitory (= passing) world,by the time they have PASSED OVER to us in our region, our interest may well have PASSED OVER to something else!

Whenever we say that certain verbs are TRANSITIVE, we mean that the action signified by them PASSES OVER without further ado to their OBJECT, or as we have sometimes termed it, their VICTIM, that is to say, the first thing or person directly in the path of the verbal action; for this reason,they are called the DIRECT OBJECT! An excellent example is: "the dog bit the man" where "the dog" is the SUBJECT, "bit" is the VERB, and "the man" is the DIRECT OBJECT or VICTIM ofthe action!

In English, such a short sentence as this is dependent on WORD ORDER, for without a certain order, it would not be clear who bit whom. However,it is not so in VOLAPÜK, where in the short sentence: Dog äbeiton mani; mani äbeiton dog; äbeiton mani dog are all equally clear!

For example, if we live in a house, we can either say: Lödobs in dom with help from the preposition in (as above), or else we can use theprefix BE- and say: Belödobs domi. Because the verb BELÖDÖN is now a TRANSITIVE VERB due to the prefix BE-, it no longer requires the help of the linking word IN, but can PASS OVER straight away to its DIRECT OBJECT/VICTIM!

The reason we know whether a verb is TRANSITIVE (= can pass over) or INTRANSITIVE (= cannot pass over without help) is because in a dictionary, the abbreviation v.i. (= verb intransitive) and v.t. (= verb transitive) show us exactly where we stand! In Volapük: lov. (= loveädik) and nel. (= neloveädik)

Just a special mention now about the verbs which have the ending -IKÖN:These are always INTRANSITIVE with the general sense of "to become", whereas verbs with the ending -ÜKÖN make them TRANSITIVE, meaning:"to cause", "to compel", "to make" (someone do something), thus:

Finikön (v.i.) = to come to an end / Finükön (v.t.) = to bring something to an end;
Lifikön (v.i.) = to revive / Lifükön (v.t.) = to revive (someone)

Even the verbs denoting BEING (bin) and BECOMING (ved), as, indeed, any root-words where the sense allows it, may avail themselves of this extremely useful BUILDING BLOCK of Volapük!

As for the WHENCE? (= from where?) and the WHITHER? (= to where?), these two adverbs are expressed in Volapük simply and logically by the endings-AO = from where? and -IO = to where? as in: domao = from the house, and domio = to the house

In our last unit, we shall be dealing with more PREFIXES and SUFFIXES,some of which have been introduced earlier IN PASSING, but hopefully have not been in any way PASSED OVER in transit!

Nevertheless an interesting and absorbing exercise in transit, would you not agree?

Here is the vocabulary for the second part of our story. As you get into the swing of it, you will develop a "feel" for the action, and thus have less need to look up each and every word;   why not read the story through out loud and see how much of it you can actually understand?

alan = each (person) 
ästanöl = (which was) standing 
balib = a beard 
balik = only, sole 
bleibön (+ infinitive) = to remain (+ -ing) 
blinön = to bring 
boso = somewhat 
büad = an instruction 
Büologal = Providence 
cödön = to judge 
dalabön = to possess 
danöfiko = gratefully 
desinön (ad) = to intend (to) 
dünot = a service 
edeadiköl = (recently) deceased 
fikul = a difficulty 
flagön = to insist 
fovo = further, furthermore 
fövot = a continuation 
frutik = useful 
gegivön = to give back, to return 
gidik = fair, righteous 
glömön = to forget 
güflekön = to turn around 
jäfikön (me) = to worry (about) 
jemiko = ashamedly 
jenöfot = a fact 
jonülön = to render 
kesumön = to take with 
kim? = who? (masculine) 
kio! = what a... ! 
klu = therefore 
konön = to narrate, to tell 
lecek = a stable, a stall 
leigik = equal 
lestunölo = in amazement 
lomio = homewards 
lönik = own, personal 
lüsumön = to accept 
me = by means of, through 
medit = deep thought 
milag = a miracle 
nätükam = restoration 
nilädan = a neighbour 
ninälön = to contemplate 
pö = at 
pöfik = poor 
pötatima = in due course 
primo = to begin with 
protestön = to object, to protest 
püd = peace 
röbülön = to stroke 
säkön = to ask 
seilik = silent 
seilölo = in silence 
sevabo = namely, that is 
smililön = to smile 
stanön = to stand 
sumön = to take 
süpiko = suddenly 
susläbik = overjoyed 
vegön (lü) = to set off (for) 
vil = will (= act of the will) 
vokäd = a cry, an exclamation 
vokädön = to cry out, to exclaim 
völad = value, worth 
yunan = a youngster 
zänodü = in the middle of


Kludo ävegoms lü sapan ed äkonoms ome fikuli.

Sapan fota äbleibom ninälön dü timil me medit seilik.  Tän äsmililom, e poso äröbülom balibi oka, ed äsagom: "O cils! vero ne desinob ad cödön fati edeadiköl olsik, ab binos jenöfot, das binos nemögik ad dilön jevodis degvel ad dils leigik tel: binob man pöfik, dalabob jevodi te bali, ab ogivob oles jevodi balik oba, e me jevods degjöl, no obinos fikulik ad dunön ma büads fata olsik."

Primo yunans äprotestoms, ab sapan bäldik fota äbleibom flagön, das ösumoms jevodi omik.

"Völadi kinik jevod labon-li?" äsagom. "Klülos, das jevod et binon vemo frutik pro ob, ab jevod obik no kanonöv jonülön obe dünoti gretikum, ka me nätükam püda bevü nilädans obik;  klu sumolsöd jevodi obik, e no jäfikolsöd fovo me ob! Büologal binon gidik, e pötatimo ogegivon obe jevodi obik, if atos obinon vil ona."

Boso jemiko e mu danöfiko yunans kil äsumoms jevodi sapana ed ävegoms lomio.

Blod bäldikün äsumom lafi, sevabo jevodis zül; telidan, kel ögetom kildili bal nimas, äsumom jevodis mäl, e yunikünan äsumom züldili bal nimas, sevabo jevodis tel. Blods äbinoms susläbiks, ab jemiks, das ilüsumoms legivoti mana pöfik, ed alan äblinom seilölo jevodis okik lü lecek oka.

Süpiko blod bäldikün äbleibom stanön, ed ävokädom:"O milag kion!"

Blods votik ägüflekoms okis pö vokäd et, ed älogoms lestunölo jevodi sapana fota zänodü yad ästanöli.

"Kim eglömom-li ad kesumön jevodi at?" äsäkom bäldikünan.

I ) Translate the above episode into ENGLISH.

2) Answer the following questions in Volapük:

  1. Kime blods äkonoms-li fikuli okas?
  2. Kisi ädunom-li sapan dü timil?
  3. Büä isagom vödis sapik blodes kil, kisi sapan edunom-li?
  4. Me vöds za teldegluls, plänolöd gespiki sapana.
  5. Pö gespik at, kikodo blods iprotestoms-li?
  6. Kikodo sapan äbleibom-li flagön, das blods ösumoms jevodi?
  7. Su veg lomio, blods kil äbinoms boso jemiks -- kikodo?
  8. Kikodo blods yunikum süpiko igüflekoms-li?
  9. Kiöpo älogoms-li jevodi votik?
  10. Ed ol, labol-li jevodi, dogi, kati u nimis votik lomo?

3) Finally, write a résumé of approximately one quarter of the length of the story in Volapük.